A downloadable tool for Windows

Use this program to simulator opening packs of the new Digimon Trading Card Game!

Useful for progression series, or other fun sealed challenges!


Images go into this folder.

Create a folder called "Images". Images must be .jpg (recommended) or .png

Image names must match the card ID. Example: BT1-001 for the image name.

Don't forget to include an image called "CardBack" to have card backs.

When launching the program it will load all image files into memory. This takes a while but only has to be done once per launch. The smaller the image resolution, the faster it will load.

I cannot provide where to get the image files, you will need to source them on your own.

This simulator has 2 options: Boxes or Theme Packs.


Open boxes allows you to open either booster sets or promo packs

You can either open the full box or a set amount of packs. 

When opening a box there is an accurate amount of "Hits" per box.

When opening a set amount of packs, each pack has a specific chance to open a "Hit".

Theme Packs:

Theme packs are small packs based on an archetype, deck, or character!

Each theme pack contains 5 cards from any set, and 5 cards from the theme pack.

To unlock theme packs naturally, open complete packs! These contain cards of each color from every set. If an SR or UR is pulled, it will unlock all theme packs it is included in.

New Rarity System!

Each card has both its regular rarity as well as a theme pack rarity!

Theme pack rarities are separated into N, R, SR, and UR. (Based on Gacha game rarities) Theme pack rarities are an optional system that can be completely ignored.

Deck Builder:

Aside from pulling packs, this program keeps track of the amount of cards pulled and includes a deck builder!

You can also craft any card to add it to your collection, or dismantle it to remove from your collection.

~~~~~~~~~SPECIAL THANKS~~~~~~~~

Figburn for creating the music and sound effects, as well as helping a lot with visual design.

Zaffy and Sen for Beta testing and helping create Theme packs.

Nekorosi, Slepnir, Asawa_ni_kami, Mike Rambulla, Onyx Leo, Soxus55, KittenBrix for helping create theme packs.

This program does not contain any images from the Digimon Trading Card Game.

All assets are original and images must be provided by the user.

Only includes cards up to ST-17.

This program is not endorsed or sponsored by Bandai Namco or Toei Company. Digimon and its characters are their property and this program is for entertainment purposes only. Please support your local card shops.

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)


DCGPackSimulatorBeta0.2.zip 35 MB
DCGPackSimulatorBeta0.1.zip 35 MB


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Hey, I've been using this tool to play a prog series with two friends, and it's been really helpful. Today, however, we all got the same bug: All saved decks get replaced by white cards with no info, and we have to press the "Toggle Collection"  to see our cards. We can create new decks, and the UI is fine then, our decks are still saved in the folder, so we haven't lost anything, but I still wanted to report this bug.

Hi, me and my friends are actually using this program for a sealed challange atm and its very nice. we wanted to know if its possible for you to update the sets so we can play with the current cardpool, if its not too much to ask.

Hey! I would love to update with all the new sets soon, just have a big backlog now of sets so ive gotten kinda lazy. Expect to be up to bt19 by at least the end of the year is all I can promise currently.

thats awesome , thanks a lot

Is this simulator on still being worked on or is it on hiatus?

Currently on hiatus as I'm very busy finishing up Contract Rush DX, my main game. I still play the card game and keep up with all the new stuff, so rest assured it will be updated at least up to bt20 as soon as I can get the motivation and a day off.

Hello! I would like to know the differences between the 0.1 and 0.2. I like this idea, and im trying to make it to play some sealed with friends, this is awesome.

Hey! 0.2 was I think just some bug fixes, it's been a while so I honestly don't quite remember. Have fun with some sealed games dude, I think they're super fun!